Our Mission:
The Wapato Fire Department is an all hazards life safety agency that provides fire protection, emergency medical care, and other critical public safety services to those who live, visit, and work in Wapato. WFD is comprised of members who are part of the community in which they serve and who strive to help those in need. WFD responds to emergencies everyday with 21 uniformed personnel who are dedicated to serving our community with integrity and honor.
Engine 171
Engine 171 is a 1997 KME which holds 750 gallons of water and is designated as the second out engine. E171 is equipped with a HALE water pump that is rated at 1500 gallons per minute and has been in service since 1997.
Engine 172
Engine 172 is a 2015 KME which holds 750 gallons of water and is currently designated the first out engine. E172 has been in service since 2015 and is equipped with a HALE pump rated at 1750 gallons per minute.
Rescue 6
Rescue-6 is a 1996 Freightliner which serves as the primary response vehicle for any EMS/Rescue incident. Rescue-6 is a jointly owned truck with YCFD#5. Rescue 6 has been in service since 1998.